Bachar Houli Foundation partners with Goodlife Health Clubs & Fitness First

An exciting new partnership between Bachar Houli Foundation and Goodlife Health Club & Fitness First will allow the program’s nationwide participants to access the gym giant’s facilities.

Through the partnership, all participants of the Bachar Houli Foundation will receive access to Goodlife Health Clubs and Fitness First gyms across the country as part of their training course.

Bachar Houli expressed his excitement at what the partnership with Goodlife Health Club & Fitness First would mean for participants, allowing them to thrive in football and life.

“Our programs are all about giving young Muslims the best chance to achieve their goals, and gym access provides them with a wonderful opportunity to stay fit and healthy,” he said.

“We look forward to using the facilities in our programs and are delighted that members of our Elite Performance Academy can take their football preparation to the next level at a Goodlife or Fitness First gym closest to them.”

Andy Chamoun, General Manager of Club Operations at Goodlife Health Club & Fitness First said they’re excited to be part of the new partnership.

“We love our community, and the opportunity to help young people achieve their goals through health and fitness is something we’re very passionate about,” he said.

“We can’t wait to welcome the Bachar Houli Foundation participants and team to our 90+ Goodlife Health Clubs and 50+ Fitness First gyms around the country.”

Bachar Houli Medal winners and Elite Performance Academy participants will also be awarded a further extended membership.